Really bad. We had never used one before, and had that project which attracted us a lot. For us, as a family, it sounded obvious to do it in a motorhome. That is why we have rented a vehicle during a long week-end but it appeared that we had not chosen the best region for our first time : The road between Montpellier and Spain . We have driven through a lot of narrow alleys because of our lack of experience. This put us off for a while, but we finally realized that it is a good idea for comfort, plus we wished that our children continue to study because they were still schooled and we were going to spend more than a year on the road. The most important to us was our freedom, Thus we have bought a used Motorhome
The hardest was to choose the motorhome, it has taken a lot of time We wanted that our kids could sleep whenever they wanted in fixed beds. We have then opted for a coach-built motorhome, more precisely a FIAT DUCATO ROLLER-TEAM that seemed to be the right choice to us.
There has been an evolution, for sure. Our children have become very independent. In every country, we gave them spending money that they could use on their own. They have also had to learn some languages, speak with the natives etc… Of course, they were with us when we went on a walk. They have acquired from this a taste for travelling. We have tried to stay outside as often as possible but I enjoyed a lot to have my family around me. By the way, I sometimes felt alone after we return in our big house.
The choice has been quite simple, we have taken the countries that each one of us wanted to visit and we have looked the destinations offered by other travel agencies. Concerning the seasons, we have wanted to be careful about the monsoon etc… With my husband, we have loved Australia : There is that “young” vibe, people surf, we have liked the music. In Cambodia, we have met a family half French half Thai with whom we have really got on. We have also really enjoyed New-Zealand as the land is suitable for motorhome travels.
People are very curious. Sometimes is Asia, the locals came to look inside our vehicle without asking. Speaking of that, the army has arrested us because the soldiers had never seen a motorhome and they wanted to visit it. It is also the case in South America. In Australia, having a motorhome is totally common, but people have asked us if every French has a motorhome after seeing the Tour de France on TV.
In Bolivia, the roads were in a lame condition, and one of our tires blew out. We often stopped in little villages and everyone was very kind, we have met wonderful people.
Do not travel with children who are too young or too old. If they are young, the will not remember the trip, and teenagers often have other needs and it is difficult to assist them during their studies. But in general, the hardest part is just to decide to go, everything else will fall into place !
Extraordinary ! Profitable ! It is hard to sum it up in 3 words, but most of us the will to start again !
I had already heard about your company. We do not have the TV but we use internet a lot. After our return in 2012 we have decided to rent out our vehicle and we have discovered your website. We had also rented out direcly without using a third party service.
A little tour of the vehicle with the owner would have been great. Despite the time spent to discover the vehicle, we were not enough prepared. I think that this is our fault as well. Touring holidays must be organizedso everything goes right. (e.g plan where you will park at night)
I guess we would but we have sold our vehicle two years ago because we did not use it a lot. Our oldest child did not want to go anymore, and the maintenance was quite expensive.
Totally, when the children will leave, we would like to buy a camper van with my husband. Mostly one with a side door, so we can always enjoy the view. I like the little yellow Volkswagen on the homepage of your website.
I would tell them to train and choose the right places before the departure. We have bought one because we had a real project otherwise we would not have tried the experience. Summer is the right period to rent a vehicle but there is also a lot of people on the road. I would suggest to travel in Autumn. My last advice is to choose interesting regions that you will be delighted to discover in a motorhome such as Brittany for instance.
We have rented out only twice. The first time went well but the vehicle was not return clean the second time, thus we can keep a guarantee deposit to cover such situations. The vehicle you rent out needs to be impeccable. It is also nice to leave a little guide to the renter regarding the safety, the organization of the vehicle… They can also write down the troubles they have encountered so the hirers do not face the same situations. The owners can make it easier to use the vehicle by little fittings like installing an Omnistep.
It is a great way to spend your holidays. Especially compared to cars, it changes a lot ! Concerning our trip around the world, it is a little bit odd : It is something you want to share and keep for yourself at the same time !
If you want to experiment such a trip like Axelle, do not hesitate anymore, the ideal vehicle awaits you close to your home.
Go on for a safe and exciting journey !
Joseph T
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