How to have Wifi in a motorhome?

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In 2021, it is hard to find a person who doesn't use the internet in a motorhome. Whether it's to keep up to date with the latest news, to share pictures with friends and family, to check the Caramaps and Park4night applications or even to buy a motorhome or van... In this article, we will show you the best mobile wifi solutions when travelling in a motorhome.

Internet in a motorhome: sharing a connection

If you want to have internet on your tablet or computer in a motorhome, the easiest solution is sharing your connection.

You haven't heard of it yet? Connection sharing means using your mobile phone's internet package to connect another phone, tablet or computer to the internet.

To do this, you simply need to meet 3 criteria

have a recent smartphone you must be in a place where your smartphone has 3G or 4G reception (4G being more powerful); have a mobile subscription offering sufficient cellular data (also called gigas)

If these 3 criteria are met, then simply enable connection sharing in your "Network and Internet" settings (also known as "access point"). This will create a wifi network that can be detected from your tablet and computer, you just need to connect to it with the password given on your mobile phone.
Depending on the network that your smartphone picks up, you will have more or less a good connection.

Important: If you are abroad, make sure that your mobile phone subscription allows you to connect to the internet at no extra cost.

Wifi in a campervan thanks to a satelite

The downside is that it can be quite expensive, usually prices are around 1100€, which does not include installation costs and the montly subscribtion to the motorhome satellite internet package, starting from 20€/month.

If you want to invest, take a motorhome internet antenna that does both web and TV, preferably motorised for a fast and optimal positioning. It's up to you to decide on the brand, but Alden and Teleco are good references on the market.

How to get free internet in a motorhome: public wifi

What is the difference between public wifi and shared wifi?

Shared wifi: is a wifi network (like at home) that some professionals share with you. Often available in bars and restaurants, you simply need to ask an employee for the wifi code to connect to their internet box.
Public wifi: is offered by campsites, towns, tourist offices, fast food and drink chains. Generally you do not need a code to connect. You should not rely too much on shared wifi though, as is speed and efficiency decreases the more people are using it. When using these public networks, consider also to be careful not to browse on websites where your bank details or other sensitive data could be seen and tracked.

Another bonus option: some Internet operators offer their customers a free Wi-Fi connection accessible with a login and password. For example, Mr Miller has an Orange box at home. If you are within 50m of this box and you are also with this same operator, you can connect to the free Orange network (using your personal login).

Several operators offer 4G keys, you only need a specific subscription and a sim card. This key has the appearance of a classic USB key, which you simply have to connect to your computer. Once connected, the key will pick up the 3G or 4G network of the chosen operator.
Inside this key, you need to insert a Sim card that has the Internet subscription.
Practical because of its small size, the key can be carried everywhere, is inexpensive and allows to get internet everywhere in your motorhome.

G internet router modem for motorhomes

Apart from 4G keys, another possibility to obtain wifi in your camper van are modems, which several operators propose. The advantage comparing to a 4G key is that you do not need to connect it to the USB port of your computer, but simply switch it on so that it picks up the network. As a consecuence, you can use it at any time with your tablet or smartphone.

Just like the 4G stick, you need to insert a Sim card with an Internet subscription. Keep alos in mind, that the modem is battery operated, so you will need to recharge it from time to time.

And if with all these tips you still don't have internet, there is one last option: Just accept it and try a digital detox :)

If all that is missing for your next adventure is the perfect vehicle, just check out out selection of campervans and motorhomes at Yescapa and rent your dream vehicle from experience camping fans. We wish you a great camping trip with Yescapa!

Joseph T

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